Monday, March 23, 2015


Plato's Cave is meant to describe the human journey. We start out as prisoners in our own life as we don't understand the point of our existence. Then people, like parents and teachers, try to show us the correct path to take in our lives. This is represented by the puppet showmen guiding our lives. However, the only way to overcome this endless cycle is to take a difficult path that might not end successfully. This is the only way to reach our true potential and live fulfilling lives. The sunlight in Plato's Cave represents this stage and is the point where people pity everyone else yet to discover themselves.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Truman Show Blog

     In the movie The Truman Show, Truman (played by Jim Carey) slowly realizes that his life isn't what it seems. Multiple instances reveal that he is being watched and that his life is practically fake. Everyone he knows is an actor and his playing a specific role in Truman's life. Truman doesn't realize this because it has been happening all his life. One woman in particular, keeps Truman from settling down, as she was a cast member that went against what the script had in store. This motivation fuels Truman to discover the creepy truth about his life.
     As the viewers find out quickly, Truman's life is a television show that is streamed non-stop to the rest of the country. A huge dome is built somewhere and its the fake reality Truman lives in. We learn later on that Christof, the creator of the show, is in charge of everything that goes on in his life. In this case Christof is the deceiver because he is responsible for Truman's false identity. Like Descartes idea, the deceiver is in charge of installing fake things in a persons life. In this case, Truman's entire lifestyle is fake as everything was precisely designed to shape his life.
     Throughout the movie Truman struggles to understand what is real and what isn't. He ends up realizing that everything is fake and that nobody can be trusted. However, similar to what Descartes stated, Truman can trust he is real because he knows he exists. Although it sounds strange, Truman has to trust himself and his instincts because he is the only that is genuine. To figure out the truth Truman must overcome everything he has ever known and do what feels right. This is a challenge because he doesn't know anything else, yet he must take a chance in order to have his questions answered. Truman does in fact do this and ends up saving himself from misery for the rest of his life.