Sunday, November 16, 2014

Harry Potter House Assignment

Hufflepuff Crest
Beginning my first year at Hogwarts would without a doubt be pretty cool. However, I would be worried, like Harry, about what house I would be assigned into. After doing some research and identifying my character traits I believe I would be a great fit in the Hufflepuff house.

The post on Wikispaces described a Hufflepuff as "Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil." I think this a dead-on description of who I am, and what I try to be. To be specific, I believe the traits of loyalty and courage (unafraid of toil) are the two that match my personality the best.

I am a part of the Cross Country team at the high school (ALL-STATE CHAMPS by the way) and we have a little saying that everyone on the team knows. The coaches say that to be apart of the team you have to be "consistent, reliable, and loyal". This saying has many interpretations, but I always thought loyal was the most important word in it. A loyal person keeps his promises to others, doesn't leave people hanging when they are in need, and they certainly do not forget where they came from. I try to be loyal to my teammates and friends at all times because I know that how important it is to be a good friend or teammate. Another aspect I just thought of was doing things that you might not want to do, but you know is the right thing. An example I have is going along with Deprofio to the school visits around Lowell. Its not the most fun thing but I know how much the kids look up to us high-schoolers so I go along anyway. It's one thing to say you'll do something, it's quite another to actually do it.

The second trait of courage is one that I value very highly. Being a senior and one of the older kids on my teams, I'm looked upon by younger kids trying to find their way in high school. A responsibility that goes along with this is talking to my teammates and encouraging/motivating them to stay positive and try their best. The only problem with this is that I'm not the most outgoing person so my style has to be adjusted a little in order to be a good leader. This is the best example I have of being courageous because I had to break out of my shell and be a more vocal leader. This also relates to what I said earlier about doing things you don't want to do. At first, I was very nervous I wouldn't be a good leader, but as the year went by it got easier, and I got more comfortable with it. Finally, another less serious example of being courageous is when I got my mohawk. I never had a haircut like that before, and I was wary it would come out bad. As it turns out though, I liked it and other people said it looked cool too. Maybe I should try different things more often.
My XC mohawk
 To summarize, based on the character traits given and the examples I provided, I would be a great fit in the Hufflepuff house at Hogwarts.


  1. You did a great job describing why you'd be in Hufflepuff and I love the picture!

  2. I can completely see you in Hufflepuff! Good examples and nice pictures.

  3. Awesome that you broke out of your shell became more vocal about your thoughts. It's not a very easy thing to be able to break free after years of being comfortable of your life from before. Goodjob!

  4. I agree with you and can see why you belong to this house. You brought up good examples and see you being a great leader at xc practice.

  5. Great job explaining why you are in hufflepuff

  6. great blog/ nice hair cut.
